• 00:00 1.
    Muscle Physiology
  • 00:17 2.
    Goals of the Lecture
  • 00:34 3.
  • 00:35 3.1
    Characteristics & Functions of Muscle
  • 01:54 3.2
    Morphological Classification of Muscle
  • 03:15 3.3
    Muscle Type and Activity
  • 04:02 4.
    Outlines_Skeletal Muscle
  • 04:06 4.1
    picture of skeletal muscles
  • 04:14 5.
    Outlines_architecture & structure
  • 04:14 5.1
    Shapes of Skeletal Muscle
  • 05:33 5.2
    Skeletal Muscle Action
  • 09:12 5.3
    Question: Are skeletal muscle an orgarn?
  • 11:15 5.4
    Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
  • 13:20 5.5
    Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
  • 14:18 5.6
    Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
  • 15:15 5.7
    Structure of Skeletal Myofiber1
  • 17:37 5.8
    Structure of Skeletal Myofiber2
  • 19:04 5.9
    Structure of Skeletal Myofiber3
  • 19:53 5.10
    Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
  • 20:23 5.11
    Thick Filament1
  • 21:30 5.12
    Thick Filament2
  • 22:32 5.13
    Question: Do thick filaments connect to Z-line?
  • 23:22 5.14
    Thick Filament3
  • 23:46 5.15
    Thin Filament1
  • 25:31 5.16
    Thin Filament2
  • 27:26 5.17
    Structure of Sarcomere1
  • 28:27 5.18
    Structure of Sarcomere2
  • 33:30 5.19
    If we did cross-section of skeletal muscles, which area can be seen the following:1. Thick filaments only H zone2. Thin filaments only I band3. Both thick and thin filaments C zone
  • 34:36 5.20
    Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
  • 35:49 5.21
    Summary: Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
  • 36:44 5.22
  • 38:07 5.23
    Sensory Receptors of Skeletal M.
  • 39:08 5.24
    Structure of M. Spindle
  • 41:24 5.25
    Structure of M. Spindle
  • 42:35 5.26
    Structure of M. Spindle
  • 43:45 5.27
    Question: How to maintain the sensitivity of afferent (sensory) nerve
  • 44:04 5.28
    Sensitivity Modulation(α-γ Coactivation)
  • 46:17 5.29
    Skeletal Muscle Repair
  • 46:52 5.30
    Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
  • 47:05 5.31
    Sliding Filaments
  • 48:41 5.32
    Example Question
  • 49:33 5.33
    Example Question
  • 51:16 5.34
    Example Question
  • 53:08 6.
    Outlines: Process of Skeletal M. Contraction
  • 53:13 6.1
  • 54:35 6.2
    Phases of M. Contraction
  • 55:04 6.3
    Process of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
  • 55:34 6.4
    Process of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
  • 55:38 6.5
    Neuromuscular Junction1
  • 56:15 6.6
    Neuromuscular Junction2
  • 57:05 6.7
    Question: Why injection of Botulinum toxin (肉毒桿菌素) can reduce facial wrinkles?
  • 58:33 6.8
    Cosmetic Aesthetic Medicine
  • 58:54 6.9
    Question: What is the purpose of converting electrical signal to chemical signal?
  • 59:32 6.10
    Neuromuscular Junction3
  • 1:00:08 6.11
    Neuromuscular Junction4
  • 1:01:20 6.12
    Neuromuscular Junction5
  • 1:03:05 6.13
    Neuromuscular Junction6
  • 1:03:55 6.14
    Question: How to prolong the function of Acetylcholine at neuromuscular junction?
  • 1:04:12 6.15
    Neuromuscular Junction Disease
  • 1:05:46 6.16
    Process of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
  • 1:08:13 6.17
    Events of M. Contraction
  • 1:08:28 6.18
    Events of M. Contraction
  • 1:09:45 6.19
    Molecular Mechanisms of Contraction
  • 1:11:48 6.20
    Crossbridge Cycle1
  • 1:16:39 6.21
    Crossbridge Cycle2
  • 1:18:24 6.22
    Summary of Crossbridge Cycle
  • 1:18:59 6.23
  • 1:20:21 6.24
    Summary: Process of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
  • 1:21:11 6.25
    Process of Skeletal Muscle Relaxation
  • 1:22:25 6.26
    Muscle Cramps
  • 1:24:05 7.
    Outlines: Control of Skeletal M. Contraction
  • 1:24:08 7.1
    Question: Can voluntary muscles produce involuntary movement?
  • 1:24:18 7.2
    Skeletal Muscle Reflexes
  • 1:25:10 7.3
    Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex
  • 1:26:40 7.4
    The response of skeletal m. is always excitatory. How to inhibit the response of skeletal muscle?Reduce the excitability of neuronActivation of antagonist
  • 1:28:13 7.5
    Disynaptic Reflex
  • 1:28:27 7.6
    Reciprocal Innervation
  • 1:30:08 8.
    Outline: Mechanics of Skeletal M. Contraction
  • 1:30:17 8.1
    Types of Muscle Contraction
  • 1:31:46 8.2
    Isotonic Contraction With Different Loads
  • 1:32:13 8.3
    Load-Velocity Relation
  • 1:32:30 8.4
    Question: Are all-or-none law applied for muscle fibers?
  • 1:33:09 8.5
    Different Response of M. Fiber vs. Whole Muscle
  • 1:34:34 8.6
    Motor Unit1
  • 1:35:26 8.7
    Motor Unit2
  • 1:36:42 8.8
    Motor Unit3
  • 1:39:02 8.9
    Muscle Tone
  • 1:40:39 8.10
    Frequency-Tension Relation1
  • 1:42:57 8.11
    Frequency-Tension Relation2
  • 1:43:02 8.12
    Muscle Force1
  • 1:43:45 8.13
    Muscle Force2
  • 1:44:30 8.14
    Length-Tension Relation1
  • 1:45:37 8.15
    Question: Why the active tension decreased when the muscle length is shorter than the normal resting length?
  • 1:45:56 8.16
    Length-Tension Relation2
  • 1:47:52 8.17
    Muscle Fatigue
  • 1:51:23 8.18
    Causes of Muscular Fatigue
  • 1:54:18 9.
    Outlines: Energetics of Skeletal M. Contraction
  • 1:54:22 9.1
    Question: What are the energy sources of skeletal muscle contraction?
  • 1:54:33 9.2
    Energy for Contraction1
  • 1:55:23 9.3
    Energy for Contraction2
  • 1:56:05 9.4
    Question: What does ATP do for providing energy in skeletal muscle contraction?
  • 1:56:42 9.5
    Functions of ATP in Skeletal-Muscle Contraction
  • 1:56:57 9.6
    Energy Sources in Working M.
  • 1:57:48 9.7
    Types of Skeletal Muscle Fiber1
  • 2:00:45 9.8
    Types of Skeletal Muscle Fiber2
  • 2:02:20 9.9
    Question: Why can skeletal muscles be divided into red muscles and white muscles?
  • 2:03:32 9.10
    Types of Skeletal Muscle Fiber2
  • 2:07:38 9.11
    Exercise Training on Adaptation of Muscle Fibers
  • 2:09:06 9.12
    Exercise Training on Adaptation of Muscle Fibers
  • 2:11:33 9.13
    Myofascial Pain
  • 2:13:56 10.
    Goals of the Lecture
  • 2:14:05 11.
    Outlines: Structural Characteristics of smooth muscle
  • 2:14:06 11.1
    Smooth Muscle
  • 2:14:18 11.2
    Structural Characteristics of Smooth M1
  • 2:16:01 11.3
    Structural Characteristics of Smooth M2
  • 2:17:50 11.4
    Structural Characteristics of Smooth M3
  • 2:18:27 11.5
    Structural Characteristics of Smooth M4
  • 2:19:36 11.6
    Structural Characteristics of Smooth M5
  • 2:19:40 11.7
    Structural Characteristics of Smooth M4
  • 2:20:14 11.8
    Structural Characteristics of Smooth M5
  • 2:20:27 11.9
    Voltage-Gated Channels in Smooth M.
  • 2:21:20 12.
    Outlines: Smooth Muscle Contraction & Relaxation
  • 2:21:25 12.1
    Single Muscle Twitch
  • 2:21:57 12.2
    Smooth Muscle Contraction
  • 2:24:07 12.3
    Mechanisms of Smooth M. Relaxation1
  • 2:24:58 12.4
    Mechanisms of Smooth M. Relaxation2
  • 2:26:15 12.5
    Smooth M. Latch State
  • 2:27:44 12.6
    Unique Mechanical Properties
  • 2:29:13 12.7
    Difference in Contraction Mechanism Between Smooth M. & Striated M.
  • 2:30:44 13.
    Outlines: Classification of Smooth Muscle
  • 2:30:49 13.1
    Classification of Smooth Muscle
  • 2:31:08 13.2
    Single-Unit Smooth Muscle1
  • 2:32:21 13.3
    Single-Unit Smooth Muscle2
  • 2:33:58 13.4
    Single-Unit Smooth Muscle3
  • 2:36:04 13.5
    Multiunit Smooth Muscle1
  • 2:37:13 13.6
    Multiunit Smooth Muscle2
  • 2:38:07 14.
    Goals of the Lecture
  • 2:38:27 15.
    Outlines: Cardiac Muscle
  • 2:38:28 15.1
    Cardiac Muscle
  • 2:38:33 15.2
    Cardiac Muscle
  • 2:40:01 15.3
    Characteristics of the Cardiac M.
  • 2:42:20 15.4
    Automaticity (Chronotropic effect)
  • 2:43:13 15.5
    Conductivity (Dromotropic effect)
  • 2:44:47 15.6
    Action Potentials of contractile cardiac cellsPhase 0: Rapid depolarization (Na+ channels open, Na+ in)Phase 1: Rapid, partial early repolarization (Na+ channels close)Phase 2: Prolonged period of slow repolarization (Ca2+ channels open, Ca2+ in; fast K+
  • 2:45:53 15.7
  • 2:47:00 15.8
    Contractility (Inotropic effect)
  • 2:48:33 15.9
  • 2:50:34 15.10
  • 2:51:17 15.11
  • 2:51:57 15.12
  • 2:52:13 15.13
    Mechanism of Cardiac Muscle Excitation, Contraction, & Relaxation (Lusitropic effect)
  • 2:55:46 15.14
    Question: If a drug has a positive inotropic effect on heart, which means this drug can increase heart’s heart rate conductivity contractility relaxation excitability
  • 2:56:23 15.15
    Excitation Contraction: Cardiac vs. Skeletal M.
  • 2:57:33 16.
    Goals of the Lecture
  • 2:57:46 17.
    Comparison of Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth Muscle
  • 2:58:33 18.
    Comparison of Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth Muscle
  • 3:00:26 19.
    Comparison of Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth Muscle
  • 3:03:01 20.
    Comparison of Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth Muscle
  • 索引
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09_22_2020 Muscle Physiology
長度: 3:07:29, 瀏覽: 1133, 最近修訂: 2020-09-24
    • 00:00 1.
      Muscle Physiology
    • 00:17 2.
      Goals of the Lecture
    • 00:34 3.
    • 00:35 3.1
      Characteristics & Functions of Muscle
    • 01:54 3.2
      Morphological Classification of Muscle
    • 03:15 3.3
      Muscle Type and Activity
    • 04:02 4.
      Outlines_Skeletal Muscle
    • 04:06 4.1
      picture of skeletal muscles
    • 04:14 5.
      Outlines_architecture & structure
    • 04:14 5.1
      Shapes of Skeletal Muscle
    • 05:33 5.2
      Skeletal Muscle Action
    • 09:12 5.3
      Question: Are skeletal muscle an orgarn?
    • 11:15 5.4
      Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
    • 13:20 5.5
      Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
    • 14:18 5.6
      Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
    • 15:15 5.7
      Structure of Skeletal Myofiber1
    • 17:37 5.8
      Structure of Skeletal Myofiber2
    • 19:04 5.9
      Structure of Skeletal Myofiber3
    • 19:53 5.10
      Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
    • 20:23 5.11
      Thick Filament1
    • 21:30 5.12
      Thick Filament2
    • 22:32 5.13
      Question: Do thick filaments connect to Z-line?
    • 23:22 5.14
      Thick Filament3
    • 23:46 5.15
      Thin Filament1
    • 25:31 5.16
      Thin Filament2
    • 27:26 5.17
      Structure of Sarcomere1
    • 28:27 5.18
      Structure of Sarcomere2
    • 33:30 5.19
      If we did cross-section of skeletal muscles, which area can be seen the following:1. Thick filaments only H zone2. Thin filaments only I band3. Both thick and thin filaments C zone
    • 34:36 5.20
      Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
    • 35:49 5.21
      Summary: Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
    • 36:44 5.22
    • 38:07 5.23
      Sensory Receptors of Skeletal M.
    • 39:08 5.24
      Structure of M. Spindle
    • 41:24 5.25
      Structure of M. Spindle
    • 42:35 5.26
      Structure of M. Spindle
    • 43:45 5.27
      Question: How to maintain the sensitivity of afferent (sensory) nerve
    • 44:04 5.28
      Sensitivity Modulation(α-γ Coactivation)
    • 46:17 5.29
      Skeletal Muscle Repair
    • 46:52 5.30
      Architecture of Skeletal Muscle
    • 47:05 5.31
      Sliding Filaments
    • 48:41 5.32
      Example Question
    • 49:33 5.33
      Example Question
    • 51:16 5.34
      Example Question
    • 53:08 6.
      Outlines: Process of Skeletal M. Contraction
    • 53:13 6.1
    • 54:35 6.2
      Phases of M. Contraction
    • 55:04 6.3
      Process of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
    • 55:34 6.4
      Process of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
    • 55:38 6.5
      Neuromuscular Junction1
    • 56:15 6.6
      Neuromuscular Junction2
    • 57:05 6.7
      Question: Why injection of Botulinum toxin (肉毒桿菌素) can reduce facial wrinkles?
    • 58:33 6.8
      Cosmetic Aesthetic Medicine
    • 58:54 6.9
      Question: What is the purpose of converting electrical signal to chemical signal?
    • 59:32 6.10
      Neuromuscular Junction3
    • 1:00:08 6.11
      Neuromuscular Junction4
    • 1:01:20 6.12
      Neuromuscular Junction5
    • 1:03:05 6.13
      Neuromuscular Junction6
    • 1:03:55 6.14
      Question: How to prolong the function of Acetylcholine at neuromuscular junction?
    • 1:04:12 6.15
      Neuromuscular Junction Disease
    • 1:05:46 6.16
      Process of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
    • 1:08:13 6.17
      Events of M. Contraction
    • 1:08:28 6.18
      Events of M. Contraction
    • 1:09:45 6.19
      Molecular Mechanisms of Contraction
    • 1:11:48 6.20
      Crossbridge Cycle1
    • 1:16:39 6.21
      Crossbridge Cycle2
    • 1:18:24 6.22
      Summary of Crossbridge Cycle
    • 1:18:59 6.23
    • 1:20:21 6.24
      Summary: Process of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
    • 1:21:11 6.25
      Process of Skeletal Muscle Relaxation
    • 1:22:25 6.26
      Muscle Cramps
    • 1:24:05 7.
      Outlines: Control of Skeletal M. Contraction
    • 1:24:08 7.1
      Question: Can voluntary muscles produce involuntary movement?
    • 1:24:18 7.2
      Skeletal Muscle Reflexes
    • 1:25:10 7.3
      Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex
    • 1:26:40 7.4
      The response of skeletal m. is always excitatory. How to inhibit the response of skeletal muscle?Reduce the excitability of neuronActivation of antagonist
    • 1:28:13 7.5
      Disynaptic Reflex
    • 1:28:27 7.6
      Reciprocal Innervation
    • 1:30:08 8.
      Outline: Mechanics of Skeletal M. Contraction
    • 1:30:17 8.1
      Types of Muscle Contraction
    • 1:31:46 8.2
      Isotonic Contraction With Different Loads
    • 1:32:13 8.3
      Load-Velocity Relation
    • 1:32:30 8.4
      Question: Are all-or-none law applied for muscle fibers?
    • 1:33:09 8.5
      Different Response of M. Fiber vs. Whole Muscle
    • 1:34:34 8.6
      Motor Unit1
    • 1:35:26 8.7
      Motor Unit2
    • 1:36:42 8.8
      Motor Unit3
    • 1:39:02 8.9
      Muscle Tone
    • 1:40:39 8.10
      Frequency-Tension Relation1
    • 1:42:57 8.11
      Frequency-Tension Relation2
    • 1:43:02 8.12
      Muscle Force1
    • 1:43:45 8.13
      Muscle Force2
    • 1:44:30 8.14
      Length-Tension Relation1
    • 1:45:37 8.15
      Question: Why the active tension decreased when the muscle length is shorter than the normal resting length?
    • 1:45:56 8.16
      Length-Tension Relation2
    • 1:47:52 8.17
      Muscle Fatigue
    • 1:51:23 8.18
      Causes of Muscular Fatigue
    • 1:54:18 9.
      Outlines: Energetics of Skeletal M. Contraction
    • 1:54:22 9.1
      Question: What are the energy sources of skeletal muscle contraction?
    • 1:54:33 9.2
      Energy for Contraction1
    • 1:55:23 9.3
      Energy for Contraction2
    • 1:56:05 9.4
      Question: What does ATP do for providing energy in skeletal muscle contraction?
    • 1:56:42 9.5
      Functions of ATP in Skeletal-Muscle Contraction
    • 1:56:57 9.6
      Energy Sources in Working M.
    • 1:57:48 9.7
      Types of Skeletal Muscle Fiber1
    • 2:00:45 9.8
      Types of Skeletal Muscle Fiber2
    • 2:02:20 9.9
      Question: Why can skeletal muscles be divided into red muscles and white muscles?
    • 2:03:32 9.10
      Types of Skeletal Muscle Fiber2
    • 2:07:38 9.11
      Exercise Training on Adaptation of Muscle Fibers
    • 2:09:06 9.12
      Exercise Training on Adaptation of Muscle Fibers
    • 2:11:33 9.13
      Myofascial Pain
    • 2:13:56 10.
      Goals of the Lecture
    • 2:14:05 11.
      Outlines: Structural Characteristics of smooth muscle
    • 2:14:06 11.1
      Smooth Muscle
    • 2:14:18 11.2
      Structural Characteristics of Smooth M1
    • 2:16:01 11.3
      Structural Characteristics of Smooth M2
    • 2:17:50 11.4
      Structural Characteristics of Smooth M3
    • 2:18:27 11.5
      Structural Characteristics of Smooth M4
    • 2:19:36 11.6
      Structural Characteristics of Smooth M5
    • 2:19:40 11.7
      Structural Characteristics of Smooth M4
    • 2:20:14 11.8
      Structural Characteristics of Smooth M5
    • 2:20:27 11.9
      Voltage-Gated Channels in Smooth M.
    • 2:21:20 12.
      Outlines: Smooth Muscle Contraction & Relaxation
    • 2:21:25 12.1
      Single Muscle Twitch
    • 2:21:57 12.2
      Smooth Muscle Contraction
    • 2:24:07 12.3
      Mechanisms of Smooth M. Relaxation1
    • 2:24:58 12.4
      Mechanisms of Smooth M. Relaxation2
    • 2:26:15 12.5
      Smooth M. Latch State
    • 2:27:44 12.6
      Unique Mechanical Properties
    • 2:29:13 12.7
      Difference in Contraction Mechanism Between Smooth M. & Striated M.
    • 2:30:44 13.
      Outlines: Classification of Smooth Muscle
    • 2:30:49 13.1
      Classification of Smooth Muscle
    • 2:31:08 13.2
      Single-Unit Smooth Muscle1
    • 2:32:21 13.3
      Single-Unit Smooth Muscle2
    • 2:33:58 13.4
      Single-Unit Smooth Muscle3
    • 2:36:04 13.5
      Multiunit Smooth Muscle1
    • 2:37:13 13.6
      Multiunit Smooth Muscle2
    • 2:38:07 14.
      Goals of the Lecture
    • 2:38:27 15.
      Outlines: Cardiac Muscle
    • 2:38:28 15.1
      Cardiac Muscle
    • 2:38:33 15.2
      Cardiac Muscle
    • 2:40:01 15.3
      Characteristics of the Cardiac M.
    • 2:42:20 15.4
      Automaticity (Chronotropic effect)
    • 2:43:13 15.5
      Conductivity (Dromotropic effect)
    • 2:44:47 15.6
      Action Potentials of contractile cardiac cellsPhase 0: Rapid depolarization (Na+ channels open, Na+ in)Phase 1: Rapid, partial early repolarization (Na+ channels close)Phase 2: Prolonged period of slow repolarization (Ca2+ channels open, Ca2+ in; fast K+
    • 2:45:53 15.7
    • 2:47:00 15.8
      Contractility (Inotropic effect)
    • 2:48:33 15.9
    • 2:50:34 15.10
    • 2:51:17 15.11
    • 2:51:57 15.12
    • 2:52:13 15.13
      Mechanism of Cardiac Muscle Excitation, Contraction, & Relaxation (Lusitropic effect)
    • 2:55:46 15.14
      Question: If a drug has a positive inotropic effect on heart, which means this drug can increase heart’s heart rate conductivity contractility relaxation excitability
    • 2:56:23 15.15
      Excitation Contraction: Cardiac vs. Skeletal M.
    • 2:57:33 16.
      Goals of the Lecture
    • 2:57:46 17.
      Comparison of Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth Muscle
    • 2:58:33 18.
      Comparison of Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth Muscle
    • 3:00:26 19.
      Comparison of Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth Muscle
    • 3:03:01 20.
      Comparison of Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth Muscle
    2020-09-24 14:16:33
    2020-09-24 16:31:26