講者:Liang-chuan Lai
觀看: 718
  • 00:00 1.
    Where is DNA located in cells?
  • 04:00 2.
    Vertebrate Mitochondrial Codon
  • 05:32 3.
    Gene Expression: Transcription
  • 08:49 4.
    Structure of Mature mRNA
  • 11:29 5.
    The Impact of Alternative RNA Splicing
  • 12:38 6.
    mRNA Decay
  • 18:02 7.
    Abnormal Translational Events Leading to Accelerated mRNA Decay
  • 19:51 8.
    To Explore Gene Regulation
  • 23:50 9.
    Loss-of-function vs. Gain-of-function
  • 25:19 10.
    Gene Manipulations
  • 34:39 11.
    Factors Influencing Transfection Efficiency
  • 39:03 12.
    Recombinant Bacteria
  • 41:29 13.
    Question: What's genomic library?
  • 46:47 14.
    Restriction Enzyme
  • 1:02:43 15.
    Human Genome Project
  • 1:04:46 16.
    Question:Which technique can be applied to measure gene expression?Hybridization-based techniquesPCR-based techniquesSequence-based techniquesAll of them
  • 1:05:49 17.
    Comparative Gene-expression Analysis
  • 1:07:12 18.
    Question:Which hybridization technique can be used to detect the amount of polysaccharide?Eastern blottingWestern blottingSouthern blottingNorthern blotting
  • 1:09:51 19.
    Agarose gels to resolve large fragments of DNA Polyacrylamide gelsto separate shorter nucleic acids, generally in the range of 1−1000 base pairs, based on the concentration used Gels without a denaturant (e.g., SDS): native gelsSecondary structure affects
  • 1:10:27 20.
    Blurry bands Too much DNA (100−250 ng/mm well width) Too much saltBands in the wrong place Heat nucleic acids before running on a native gelRun gel >20 V/cm ( run gel slowly  sharper bands)Gel temp. >30 °CLoading buffer floats away Some salts built up i
  • 1:11:21 21.
    Question: Which gel for running microRNA samples?
  • 1:11:47 22.
    Hybridization-based techniques1
  • 1:13:57 23.
    Northern Blotting normalization
  • 1:17:55 24.
    Hybridization-based techniques2
  • 1:20:39 25.
    Microarray Platforms
  • 1:21:12 26.
    Advantages:Favor small sample sizeHigh throughput: gather data on thousands of genes (genome) in a single experimentQuantitative analysisApplication:Gene expressionGenotyping-polymorphisms (SNP) and copy number variationBinding site identification: ChIP-o
  • 1:24:20 27.
    High Throughput of Traditional Experiment
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Comparative Gene-Expression Analysis I: Hybridization-based techniques (03032020)
長度: 1:25:14, 瀏覽: 719, 最近修訂: 2020-03-09
    • 00:00 1.
      Where is DNA located in cells?
    • 04:00 2.
      Vertebrate Mitochondrial Codon
    • 05:32 3.
      Gene Expression: Transcription
    • 08:49 4.
      Structure of Mature mRNA
    • 11:29 5.
      The Impact of Alternative RNA Splicing
    • 12:38 6.
      mRNA Decay
    • 18:02 7.
      Abnormal Translational Events Leading to Accelerated mRNA Decay
    • 19:51 8.
      To Explore Gene Regulation
    • 23:50 9.
      Loss-of-function vs. Gain-of-function
    • 25:19 10.
      Gene Manipulations
    • 34:39 11.
      Factors Influencing Transfection Efficiency
    • 39:03 12.
      Recombinant Bacteria
    • 41:29 13.
      Question: What's genomic library?
    • 46:47 14.
      Restriction Enzyme
    • 1:02:43 15.
      Human Genome Project
    • 1:04:46 16.
      Question:Which technique can be applied to measure gene expression?Hybridization-based techniquesPCR-based techniquesSequence-based techniquesAll of them
    • 1:05:49 17.
      Comparative Gene-expression Analysis
    • 1:07:12 18.
      Question:Which hybridization technique can be used to detect the amount of polysaccharide?Eastern blottingWestern blottingSouthern blottingNorthern blotting
    • 1:09:51 19.
      Agarose gels to resolve large fragments of DNA Polyacrylamide gelsto separate shorter nucleic acids, generally in the range of 1−1000 base pairs, based on the concentration used Gels without a denaturant (e.g., SDS): native gelsSecondary structure affects
    • 1:10:27 20.
      Blurry bands Too much DNA (100−250 ng/mm well width) Too much saltBands in the wrong place Heat nucleic acids before running on a native gelRun gel >20 V/cm ( run gel slowly  sharper bands)Gel temp. >30 °CLoading buffer floats away Some salts built up i
    • 1:11:21 21.
      Question: Which gel for running microRNA samples?
    • 1:11:47 22.
      Hybridization-based techniques1
    • 1:13:57 23.
      Northern Blotting normalization
    • 1:17:55 24.
      Hybridization-based techniques2
    • 1:20:39 25.
      Microarray Platforms
    • 1:21:12 26.
      Advantages:Favor small sample sizeHigh throughput: gather data on thousands of genes (genome) in a single experimentQuantitative analysisApplication:Gene expressionGenotyping-polymorphisms (SNP) and copy number variationBinding site identification: ChIP-o
    • 1:24:20 27.
      High Throughput of Traditional Experiment
    2020-03-03 17:31:32
    2020-03-09 13:38:25