• 00:00 1.
    index 1
  • 01:04 2.
    Slide 2
  • 02:26 3.
    Slide 3
  • 03:35 4.
    Direct effect of indoxyl sulfate (IS) on macrophage function.
  • 03:35 5.
    Slide 3
  • 04:40 6.
    Direct effect of indoxyl sulfate (IS) on macrophage function.
  • 05:36 7.
    the central role of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)-related immune dysfunction in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)
  • 05:37 8.
    Direct effect of indoxyl sulfate (IS) on macrophage function.
  • 06:13 9.
    the central role of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)-related immune dysfunction in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)
  • 06:14 10.
    Direct effect of indoxyl sulfate (IS) on macrophage function.
  • 06:43 11.
    the central role of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)-related immune dysfunction in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)
  • 08:18 12.
    Uremic Toxin Indoxyl Sulfate PromotesProinflammatory Macrophage Activation Via theInterplay of OATP2B1 and Dll4-Notch SignalingPotential Mechanism for Accelerated Atherogenesis in Chronic Kidney Disease
  • 09:28 13.
    Slide 7
  • 09:33 14.
    Uremic Toxin Indoxyl Sulfate PromotesProinflammatory Macrophage Activation Via theInterplay of OATP2B1 and Dll4-Notch SignalingPotential Mechanism for Accelerated Atherogenesis in Chronic Kidney Disease
  • 09:35 15.
    Slide 7
  • 12:39 16.
    Macrophages express organic anion transporters (OATs) and organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs).
  • 12:41 17.
    Slide 7
  • 14:08 18.
    Macrophages express organic anion transporters (OATs) and organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs).
  • 14:13 19.
    Slide 7
  • 21:24 20.
    Macrophages express organic anion transporters (OATs) and organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs).
  • 21:26 21.
    Slide 7
  • 21:27 22.
    Macrophages express organic anion transporters (OATs) and organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs).
  • 34:57 23.
    Global proteomics, pathway analysis and network analysis of the mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 stimulated with indoxyl sulfate.
  • 35:00 24.
    Macrophages express organic anion transporters (OATs) and organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs).
  • 35:40 25.
    Global proteomics, pathway analysis and network analysis of the mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 stimulated with indoxyl sulfate.
  • 37:04 26.
    Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
  • 37:04 27.
    Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
  • 37:05 28.
    ** after 20190412 W1 paper reading.pptx
  • 37:20 29.
    Global proteomics, pathway analysis and network analysis of the mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 stimulated with indoxyl sulfate.
  • 41:02 30.
    Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
  • 41:07 31.
    Global proteomics, pathway analysis and network analysis of the mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 stimulated with indoxyl sulfate.
  • 41:08 32.
    Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
  • 41:10 33.
    Global proteomics, pathway analysis and network analysis of the mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 stimulated with indoxyl sulfate.
  • 41:11 34.
    Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
  • 45:06 35.
    Slide 11
  • 45:07 36.
    Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
  • 48:44 37.
    Slide 11
  • 48:46 38.
    Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
  • 48:47 39.
    Slide 11
  • 48:47 40.
    Indoxyl sulfate–induced proinflammatory cytokine expression is mediated by SLCO2B1-Dll4-Notch signaling in human macrophages
  • 48:48 41.
    Slide 11
  • 49:41 42.
    Indoxyl sulfate–induced proinflammatory cytokine expression is mediated by SLCO2B1-Dll4-Notch signaling in human macrophages
  • 49:42 43.
    Slide 11
  • 49:43 44.
    Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
  • 50:58 45.
    Slide 11
  • 51:00 46.
    Indoxyl sulfate–induced proinflammatory cytokine expression is mediated by SLCO2B1-Dll4-Notch signaling in human macrophages
  • 56:33 47.
    Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
  • 56:36 48.
    Indoxyl sulfate–induced proinflammatory cytokine expression is mediated by SLCO2B1-Dll4-Notch signaling in human macrophages
  • 56:42 49.
    Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
  • 58:28 50.
    Indoxyl sulfate–induced proinflammatory cytokine expression is mediated by SLCO2B1-Dll4-Notch signaling in human macrophages
  • 58:28 51.
    Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
  • 58:31 52.
    Slide 14
  • 58:31 53.
    Slide 15
  • 58:32 54.
    Slide 14
  • 58:33 55.
    Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
  • 59:32 56.
    Slide 14
  • 59:33 57.
    Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
  • 1:01:49 58.
    Slide 14
  • 1:01:50 59.
    Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
  • 1:10:53 60.
    Slide 14
  • 1:20:13 61.
    Slide 15
  • 1:20:14 62.
    Slide 14
  • 1:20:15 63.
    Slide 15
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    Slide 14
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  • 1:21:27 66.
    Slide 16
  • 1:21:28 67.
    Slide 15
  • 1:21:28 68.
    Slide 16
  • 1:21:31 69.
    ** after 20190412 W1 paper reading.pptx
  • 索引
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20190415-lab meeting_鈺琴
長度: 1:22:21, 瀏覽: 805, 最近修訂: 2019-06-17
  1. 1.
  2. (a) Flowchart for the use of SPADE on a simulated 3D flow cytometry data set. (b) 3D scatterplot of a simulated data set, which is constructed from four abundant subpopulations. (c) Density down-sampled version of b showing the same structure but with fewer cells. (d) Agglomerative hierarchical clustering on the down-sampled cells to generate cell clusters. (e) SPADE tree connecting all cell clusters. (f) SPADE tree color-coded according to the median expression intensities of markers of cells within each node, where each node is a cell cluster from d; each of the three trees represents the distribution of the different marker expression across all the cell clusters.
  3. 2.
    • 00:00 1.
      index 1
    • 01:04 2.
      Slide 2
    • 02:26 3.
      Slide 3
    • 03:35 4.
      Direct effect of indoxyl sulfate (IS) on macrophage function.
    • 03:35 5.
      Slide 3
    • 04:40 6.
      Direct effect of indoxyl sulfate (IS) on macrophage function.
    • 05:36 7.
      the central role of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)-related immune dysfunction in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)
    • 05:37 8.
      Direct effect of indoxyl sulfate (IS) on macrophage function.
    • 06:13 9.
      the central role of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)-related immune dysfunction in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)
    • 06:14 10.
      Direct effect of indoxyl sulfate (IS) on macrophage function.
    • 06:43 11.
      the central role of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)-related immune dysfunction in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)
    • 08:18 12.
      Uremic Toxin Indoxyl Sulfate PromotesProinflammatory Macrophage Activation Via theInterplay of OATP2B1 and Dll4-Notch SignalingPotential Mechanism for Accelerated Atherogenesis in Chronic Kidney Disease
    • 09:28 13.
      Slide 7
    • 09:33 14.
      Uremic Toxin Indoxyl Sulfate PromotesProinflammatory Macrophage Activation Via theInterplay of OATP2B1 and Dll4-Notch SignalingPotential Mechanism for Accelerated Atherogenesis in Chronic Kidney Disease
    • 09:35 15.
      Slide 7
    • 12:39 16.
      Macrophages express organic anion transporters (OATs) and organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs).
    • 12:41 17.
      Slide 7
    • 14:08 18.
      Macrophages express organic anion transporters (OATs) and organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs).
    • 14:13 19.
      Slide 7
    • 21:24 20.
      Macrophages express organic anion transporters (OATs) and organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs).
    • 21:26 21.
      Slide 7
    • 21:27 22.
      Macrophages express organic anion transporters (OATs) and organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs).
    • 34:57 23.
      Global proteomics, pathway analysis and network analysis of the mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 stimulated with indoxyl sulfate.
    • 35:00 24.
      Macrophages express organic anion transporters (OATs) and organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs).
    • 35:40 25.
      Global proteomics, pathway analysis and network analysis of the mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 stimulated with indoxyl sulfate.
    • 37:04 26.
      Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
    • 37:04 27.
      Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
    • 37:05 28.
      ** after 20190412 W1 paper reading.pptx
    • 37:20 29.
      Global proteomics, pathway analysis and network analysis of the mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 stimulated with indoxyl sulfate.
    • 41:02 30.
      Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
    • 41:07 31.
      Global proteomics, pathway analysis and network analysis of the mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 stimulated with indoxyl sulfate.
    • 41:08 32.
      Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
    • 41:10 33.
      Global proteomics, pathway analysis and network analysis of the mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 stimulated with indoxyl sulfate.
    • 41:11 34.
      Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
    • 45:06 35.
      Slide 11
    • 45:07 36.
      Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
    • 48:44 37.
      Slide 11
    • 48:46 38.
      Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
    • 48:47 39.
      Slide 11
    • 48:47 40.
      Indoxyl sulfate–induced proinflammatory cytokine expression is mediated by SLCO2B1-Dll4-Notch signaling in human macrophages
    • 48:48 41.
      Slide 11
    • 49:41 42.
      Indoxyl sulfate–induced proinflammatory cytokine expression is mediated by SLCO2B1-Dll4-Notch signaling in human macrophages
    • 49:42 43.
      Slide 11
    • 49:43 44.
      Indoxyl sulfate activates Dll4-Notch signaling.
    • 50:58 45.
      Slide 11
    • 51:00 46.
      Indoxyl sulfate–induced proinflammatory cytokine expression is mediated by SLCO2B1-Dll4-Notch signaling in human macrophages
    • 56:33 47.
      Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
    • 56:36 48.
      Indoxyl sulfate–induced proinflammatory cytokine expression is mediated by SLCO2B1-Dll4-Notch signaling in human macrophages
    • 56:42 49.
      Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
    • 58:28 50.
      Indoxyl sulfate–induced proinflammatory cytokine expression is mediated by SLCO2B1-Dll4-Notch signaling in human macrophages
    • 58:28 51.
      Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
    • 58:31 52.
      Slide 14
    • 58:31 53.
      Slide 15
    • 58:32 54.
      Slide 14
    • 58:33 55.
      Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
    • 59:32 56.
      Slide 14
    • 59:33 57.
      Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
    • 1:01:49 58.
      Slide 14
    • 1:01:50 59.
      Indoxyl sulfate suppresses the degradation of Dll4 protein in macrophages
    • 1:10:53 60.
      Slide 14
    • 1:20:13 61.
      Slide 15
    • 1:20:14 62.
      Slide 14
    • 1:20:15 63.
      Slide 15
    • 1:20:49 64.
      Slide 14
    • 1:20:52 65.
      Slide 15
    • 1:21:27 66.
      Slide 16
    • 1:21:28 67.
      Slide 15
    • 1:21:28 68.
      Slide 16
    • 1:21:31 69.
      ** after 20190412 W1 paper reading.pptx
    2019-04-15 17:59:43
    2019-06-17 13:21:44