劉家銘, 黃照穎, 林俐妤, 周楷軒, 朱庭汶, 黃鈺涵
管理者:劉家銘, 黃照穎, 林俐妤, 周楷軒, 朱庭汶, 黃鈺涵

1.How to find references? 

  • PubMed
  • Google scholar
  • Sci-Hub
  • Connected Papers
  • Read This Paper
  • Journal full name and its abbreviation
  • Journal Citation Reports
  • Find the number of citation for a specific paper

3.How to write lab notebook and use Endnote? 

  • Lab notebook
  • Use EndNote

4.How to use Word for writing thesis and Powerpoint for presentation?


  • 顯示尺標單位為公分
  • 建立階層:一致格式
  • 建立特殊符號快捷鍵[α;。;μ;℃ (2103,Alt-X))
  • 搜索/取代
  • 建立表格
  • 表格內以小數點對齊數字
  • 每一章都從新頁開始
  • 建立目次/表次/圖次
  • 頁碼:封面無頁碼;目錄/摘要頁碼用羅馬數字;內文用阿拉伯數字
  • 版面配置:插入橫向頁面;頁碼仍位於直向頁面位置
  • 建立參考書目
    [Powerpoint ]
  • 互動式動畫圖表
  • 提高 PowerPoint 匯出圖片的解析度至300 dpi
  • PPT-投影片縮放功能

5.How to create and edit graph? 

  • Scatter Plot with Error Bars and Fitted Curves
  • Grouped Bar Chart with Error Bars
  • Line and Bar Chart with 2 Y Axes
  • Box Plots 

6.How to use ImageJ? 

  • Quantify a gel image
  • Count cell number
  • Measure wound healing area
  • Calibrate scale bar

7.How to use SnapGene?  

  • Draw a vector map

8.How to use Genome Browser? 

  • Download promoter (-1000 ~ -1 bp) and 3’UTR sequence 
  • Create a simple custom track
  1. 2.
  2. 3.
    如何找文獻? (How to find references?)
  3. 4.
  4. 5.
    Google scholar
  5. 6.
    Indentify related papers
  6. 7.
    What if your institute does not subscribe the manuscript that you want to read?
  7. 8.
    期刊全名與縮寫 How to find journal full name and its abbreviation?
  8. 9.
    如何評估期刊的好壞? How to evaluate the ranking of journal? Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
  9. 10.
    掠奪型期刊清單網站 (predatory journals and publishers)
  10. 12.
    VOS viewer
  11. 13.
    實驗記錄本 How to write lab notebook?
  12. 14.
    書目管理軟體 How to use EndNote?
  13. 15.
    如何用Word寫論文 How to use Microsoft Word to write thesis?
      • 建立特殊符號快捷鍵[α;; μ;℃ (2103,Alt-X))
      • 建立表格
      • 每一章都從新頁開始
      • 建立目錄/表目錄/圖目錄
      • 頁碼: 封面無頁碼; 目錄/摘要頁碼用羅馬數字; 內文用阿拉伯數字
      • 版面配置:插入橫向頁面;頁碼仍位於直向頁面位置
      • 建立參考書目
      • 搜尋/取代
      • 中文名 稱(英文全稱,英文縮寫詞)。例,單核苷酸多型性(single-nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)
  14. 16.
    如何使用PowerPoint演講 How to use Microsoft PowerPoint to make an oral presentation?
  15. 17.
  16. 18.
    如何使用EXCEL作圖 How to use Microsoft EXCEL to make graphs?
  17. 19.
    GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus)
  18. 20.
    How to choose the target journals to submit?
  19. 21.
    English Writing Tools
    • Paraphrase
    • Grammar Check