• 00:00 1.
    index 1
  • 00:35 2.
    Slide 2
  • 00:37 3.
    Gastric Cancer
  • 01:01 4.
    Risk factors of gastric cancer
  • 01:43 5.
    RNA methylation (N6-methyladenosine modification, m6A)
  • 02:48 6.
    Alteration of RNA m6A modification participates in the progression of gastric cancer
  • 03:57 7.
    The relationship between demethylase and gastric cancer is still unclear……
  • 04:37 8.
    Aims of the study
  • 04:54 9.
    Slide 9
  • 04:57 10.
    Methylated RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing of gastric cancer tissue
  • 05:31 11.
    Workflow of meRIP-seq and data analysis
  • 06:14 12.
    Methylated RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing of gastric cancer tissue
  • 06:45 13.
    Methylated RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing of gastric cancer tissue
  • 07:55 14.
    The expression level of ALKBH5 in gastric cancer tissues
  • 08:23 15.
    The expression level of ALKBH5 in gastric cancer tissues
  • 09:04 16.
    The functions of ALKBH5 in gastric cancer cells
  • 09:43 17.
    The functions of ALKBH5 in gastric cancer cells
  • 11:10 18.
  • 11:34 19.
    Investigate the downstream target of ALKBH5
  • 12:40 20.
    Investigate the downstream target of ALKBH5
  • 13:04 21.
    The role of PKMYT1
  • 13:05 22.
    Investigate the downstream target of ALKBH5
  • 13:18 23.
    The role of PKMYT1
  • 14:16 24.
    The impact of PKMYT1 m6A modification
  • 15:01 25.
    The impact of PKMYT1 m6A modification
  • 15:18 26.
    The impact of PKMYT1 m6A modification
  • 15:55 27.
  • 16:13 28.
  • 16:48 29.
    Investigate the potential “reader” protein of PKMYT1
  • 17:22 30.
    Investigate the potential “reader” protein of PKMYT1
  • 18:46 31.
    Detect tumor lung metastasis in vivo
  • 19:21 32.
  • 20:08 33.
  • 20:48 34.
  • 21:06 35.
    Thank you
  • 21:15 36.
    ** after 20220503碩二下seminar-2.pptx
  • 索引
  • 筆記
  • 討論
  • 全螢幕
20220418 lab meeting_逸安
長度: 41:49, 瀏覽: 371, 最近修訂: 2022-04-18
    • 00:00 1.
      index 1
    • 00:35 2.
      Slide 2
    • 00:37 3.
      Gastric Cancer
    • 01:01 4.
      Risk factors of gastric cancer
    • 01:43 5.
      RNA methylation (N6-methyladenosine modification, m6A)
    • 02:48 6.
      Alteration of RNA m6A modification participates in the progression of gastric cancer
    • 03:57 7.
      The relationship between demethylase and gastric cancer is still unclear……
    • 04:37 8.
      Aims of the study
    • 04:54 9.
      Slide 9
    • 04:57 10.
      Methylated RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing of gastric cancer tissue
    • 05:31 11.
      Workflow of meRIP-seq and data analysis
    • 06:14 12.
      Methylated RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing of gastric cancer tissue
    • 06:45 13.
      Methylated RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing of gastric cancer tissue
    • 07:55 14.
      The expression level of ALKBH5 in gastric cancer tissues
    • 08:23 15.
      The expression level of ALKBH5 in gastric cancer tissues
    • 09:04 16.
      The functions of ALKBH5 in gastric cancer cells
    • 09:43 17.
      The functions of ALKBH5 in gastric cancer cells
    • 11:10 18.
    • 11:34 19.
      Investigate the downstream target of ALKBH5
    • 12:40 20.
      Investigate the downstream target of ALKBH5
    • 13:04 21.
      The role of PKMYT1
    • 13:05 22.
      Investigate the downstream target of ALKBH5
    • 13:18 23.
      The role of PKMYT1
    • 14:16 24.
      The impact of PKMYT1 m6A modification
    • 15:01 25.
      The impact of PKMYT1 m6A modification
    • 15:18 26.
      The impact of PKMYT1 m6A modification
    • 15:55 27.
    • 16:13 28.
    • 16:48 29.
      Investigate the potential “reader” protein of PKMYT1
    • 17:22 30.
      Investigate the potential “reader” protein of PKMYT1
    • 18:46 31.
      Detect tumor lung metastasis in vivo
    • 19:21 32.
    • 20:08 33.
    • 20:48 34.
    • 21:06 35.
      Thank you
    • 21:15 36.
      ** after 20220503碩二下seminar-2.pptx
    2022-04-18 11:07:17
    2022-04-18 11:27:39