• 00:00 1.
    Title page
  • 00:11 2.
  • 00:28 3.
  • 02:06 4.
    Outline: Background (背景)
  • 02:15 4.1
  • 04:00 4.2
  • 06:47 4.3
    除了氣體交換(吸氧排二氧化碳)外, 呼吸系統還有那些功能?
  • 09:08 4.4
  • 11:31 5.
    Outline: Structure and function (結構與功能)
  • 11:40 5.1
    Structure of Respiratory Sys.
  • 12:33 5.2
    Function of Nasal Passage
  • 14:06 5.3
    Comparison of Airway Structure
  • 15:05 5.4
    Airways of a Human Lung
  • 15:58 5.5
    Main Airway Branches & Zones
  • 16:58 5.6
    Main Airway Branches & Zones
  • 17:32 5.7
  • 18:50 5.8
    The Human Lung
  • 19:50 5.9
    Blood Supply of Lungs
  • 21:14 5.10
    Respiratory Muscles
  • 23:34 5.11
    Respiratory Muscles
  • 26:06 5.12
  • 28:18 5.13
    Pleural layers
  • 29:39 5.14
    Cross Section of the Thoracic Cavity
  • 30:08 5.15
    Intrapleural Space
  • 31:57 5.16
  • 33:35 6.
    Outline: Ventilation (通氣量)
  • 33:40 6.1
    Instrument for Measuring Lung Vol.
  • 38:05 6.2
    Spirometer, Lung Volumes and Capacities
  • 41:27 6.3
    Lung Volumes and Capacities
  • 43:32 6.4
  • 44:43 6.5
    Functional Residual Capacity
  • 47:58 6.6
    Measurement of FRC
  • 49:11 7.
  • 49:20 7.1
    Ventilation (通氣量)
  • 51:34 7.2
    Dead Space (死腔)
  • 53:58 7.3
    Fowler’s Method:Single-Breath Nitrogen Washout
  • 59:11 7.4
    Bohr’s Method:Conservation of Mass
  • 1:03:50 7.5
    Dalton’s Law
  • 1:07:10 7.6
    Bohr’s Method (2)
  • 1:08:19 7.7
    Alveolar Ventilation
  • 1:11:15 7.8
    Alveolar Ventilation
  • 1:12:21 7.9
    Uneven Ventilation inUpright Position
  • 1:13:28 7.10
    Partial Pressures of Gases in Various Parts
  • 1:14:15 7.11
    O2 and CO2 Concentrations in Exhaled Gas
  • 1:16:03 7.12
    Overview of Po2 and Pco2
  • 1:19:10 7.13
  • 1:20:01 7.14
    Hyper-, Hypo-ventilation & Hyperpnea
  • 1:23:12 7.15
  • 1:24:06 7.16
    Why hyperpnea is more efficient?
  • 1:27:50 8.
    Outline: Perfusion (灌流量)
  • 1:27:56 8.1
  • 1:28:14 8.2
    Perfusion (灌流量)
  • 1:29:02 8.3
    Shunt (分流)
  • 1:31:54 8.4
    Uneven Perfusion in Upright Position
  • 1:32:49 9.
    Overview: ventilation/perfusion ratio
  • 1:33:03 9.1
    Matching of Ventilation & Perfusion
  • 1:34:38 9.2
    Mis-matching of Ventilation & Perfusion
  • 1:35:31 9.3
    V /Q 受什麼影響?
  • 1:35:43 9.4
    Matching of Ventilation & Perfusion
  • 1:37:56 9.5
    Distribution of V and Q Within the Lung in the Upright Position
  • 1:40:13 9.6
    V /Q 如何影響氣體的分壓?
  • 1:40:23 9.7
    V /Q v.s. Po2 & Pco2
  • 1:44:33 9.8
    V /Q Inequality of Normal Lung in the Upright Position
  • 1:50:01 10.
    Outline: Static/Dynamic respiratory mechanics (呼吸力學)
  • 1:50:10 11.
    General Concepts and Terminology
  • 1:55:01 11.1
    PL = Pal – Ppl(1)Pw = Ppl – Pbs(2)(1) + (2)Prs = PL + Pw = Pal – Pbsa) Pbs =0  Pw = Ppl = Pes Prs = Palb) Pao = VRaw + Pal When flow=0, Pao = Pal = Prsc) PL = Pal – Ppl = Pao|flow=0 – Pes
  • 2:00:40 11.2
    PL = Pal – Ppl(1)Pw = Ppl – Pbs(2)(1) + (2)Prs = PL + Pw = Pal – Pbsa) Pbs =0  Pw = Ppl = Pes Prs = Palb) Pao = VRaw + Pal When flow=0, Pao = Pal = Prsc) PL = Pal – Ppl = Pao|flow=0 – Pes
  • 2:01:42 12.
    Compliance (順應性)
  • 2:04:24 12.1
    [Video] 吸煙豬肺示範
  • 2:06:43 12.2
    Compliance Changes in Different Diseases
  • 2:08:16 13.
    Resistance (阻力)
  • 2:09:37 13.1
    The Airway Resistance
  • 2:11:14 13.2
    The Airway Resistance
  • 2:13:33 13.3
    The Airway Resistance
  • 2:16:08 13.4
    The Airway Resistance
  • 2:17:49 13.5
    Evaluation of Airway Resistance
  • 2:21:39 13.6
    Evaluation of Abnormality in Lung Vol.
  • 2:24:17 13.7
    Pursed Lip Breathing
  • 2:27:41 14.
  • 2:29:11 15.
    Pressure-volume (P-V) curve of the lungs
  • 2:29:14 15.1
    P-V Curve of the Lungs
  • 2:31:15 15.2
    Surface Tension
  • 2:33:01 15.3
    Law of LaPlace
  • 2:34:47 15.4
  • 2:35:05 15.5
    Importance of Lung Surfactant
  • 2:35:45 15.6
    Work of Breathing
  • 2:36:38 15.7
    Effects of Diseases on PV Curve
  • 2:38:14 16.
  • 2:39:22 16.1
    Effects of Diseases on PV Curve
  • 2:40:02 17.
    Lung-chest wall coupling
  • 2:40:15 17.1
    PL = Pal – Ppl(1)Pw = Ppl – Pbs(2)(1) + (2)Prs = PL + Pw = Pal – Pbsa) Pbs =0  Pw = Ppl = Pes Prs = Palb) Pao = VRaw + Pal When flow=0, Pao = Pal = Prsc) PL = Pal – Ppl = Pao|flow=0 – Pes
  • 2:41:22 17.2
    Pw = Ppl = Pes
  • 2:42:59 17.3
    FRC (functional residual capacity) is where the recoil forces of chest wall is equal but opposite to the recoil forces of the lungWhen lung vol. is below FRC, the chest wall becomes progressively stiffer (Cw decreases)When lung vol. is above FRC, Pw chan
  • 2:46:17 17.4
    Lung-Chest Wall Couplingin Static Status at Different Lung Volume
  • 2:47:01 17.5
    Lung-chest Wall Coupling to Determine FRC
  • 2:50:50 18.
    Transmural Pressure Across the Lung Wall in Dynamic Status
  • 2:51:40 18.1
    The Mechanics of Quiet Breathing
  • 2:55:53 19.
    Diffusion(擴散)and gas transport(氣體運輸)
  • 2:56:04 19.1
  • 2:56:18 19.2
    Diffusion and Gas Transport
  • 2:56:37 19.3
    Alveolo-Capillary Barrier
  • 2:57:10 19.4
  • 2:57:56 19.5
    Capillary Transit Time
  • 3:00:22 19.6
    Perfusion-limited Gas
  • 3:01:20 19.7
    Diffusion-limited Gas
  • 3:02:19 19.8
    Diffusion and Perfusion Limitations
  • 3:04:38 20.
    Transport of O2 and CO2
  • 3:04:43 20.1
    Blood Gas Measurement
  • 3:05:16 20.2
    Oxygen Transport
  • 3:06:06 20.3
    Blood Gas Measurement
  • 3:07:04 20.4
    O2 Bound to Hb
  • 3:07:27 21.
    What does pulse oximeter measure?O2 dissolved in the blood plasmaO2 bound with hemoglobin
  • 3:08:22 21.1
    O2 Bound to Hb
  • 3:10:25 21.2
    O2 Concentration & Saturation in Anemia
  • 3:11:13 21.3
    O2 Bound to Hb
  • 3:13:45 21.4
    O2 Bound to Hb
  • 3:15:58 22.
    CO2 Transport
  • 3:16:58 22.1
    CO2 Transport
  • 3:18:46 22.2
    CO2 Equilibrium Curve
  • 3:21:28 23.
    Neural control of respiration(呼吸的神經調控)
  • 3:21:36 23.1
    Control of Respiration
  • 3:22:22 23.2
    Overview_Neural control of respiration
  • 3:22:59 23.3
  • 3:24:13 23.4
  • 3:25:50 23.5
  • 3:26:53 23.6
    Central Controller in Brain Stem
  • 3:27:33 23.7
  • 3:28:17 23.8
    Central Controller
  • 3:28:52 23.9
    Central Controller
  • 3:29:55 23.10
  • 3:30:14 23.11
    Central Controller
  • 3:30:44 23.12
    Central Controller
  • 3:31:24 23.13
  • 3:31:59 24.
    Outline_Chemical control of respiration(呼吸的化學調控)
  • 3:32:06 24.1
    Overveiw_Chemical control of respiration
  • 3:32:13 24.2
  • 3:32:21 24.3
    Chemical Control of Resp.
  • 3:33:35 24.4
    Central Chemoreceptor
  • 3:34:47 24.5
    Peripheral Chemoreceptor
  • 3:35:34 25.
    Outline_Acid-base balance (酸鹼平衡)
  • 3:35:37 25.1
    Acid-base Balance
  • 3:37:04 25.2
    Effectiveness of a Buffer System
  • 3:38:04 25.3
  • 3:38:19 25.4
    The Effect of Bicarbonate on Blood pH
  • 3:39:23 25.5
    Davenport Diagram
  • 3:40:57 25.6
    Respiratory Disturbances
  • 3:41:34 25.7
    Metabolic Disturbances
  • 3:41:53 25.8
    Compensatory Responses
  • 3:43:52 26.
    How to Increase Resp. Function During Exercise?
  • 3:49:15 27.
  • 索引
  • 筆記
  • 討論
  • 全螢幕
Resp Physiol core 2021
長度: 3:49:42, 瀏覽: 3053, 最近修訂: 2021-10-23
    • 00:00 1.
      Title page
    • 00:11 2.
    • 00:28 3.
    • 02:06 4.
      Outline: Background (背景)
    • 02:15 4.1
    • 04:00 4.2
    • 06:47 4.3
      除了氣體交換(吸氧排二氧化碳)外, 呼吸系統還有那些功能?
    • 09:08 4.4
    • 11:31 5.
      Outline: Structure and function (結構與功能)
    • 11:40 5.1
      Structure of Respiratory Sys.
    • 12:33 5.2
      Function of Nasal Passage
    • 14:06 5.3
      Comparison of Airway Structure
    • 15:05 5.4
      Airways of a Human Lung
    • 15:58 5.5
      Main Airway Branches & Zones
    • 16:58 5.6
      Main Airway Branches & Zones
    • 17:32 5.7
    • 18:50 5.8
      The Human Lung
    • 19:50 5.9
      Blood Supply of Lungs
    • 21:14 5.10
      Respiratory Muscles
    • 23:34 5.11
      Respiratory Muscles
    • 26:06 5.12
    • 28:18 5.13
      Pleural layers
    • 29:39 5.14
      Cross Section of the Thoracic Cavity
    • 30:08 5.15
      Intrapleural Space
    • 31:57 5.16
    • 33:35 6.
      Outline: Ventilation (通氣量)
    • 33:40 6.1
      Instrument for Measuring Lung Vol.
    • 38:05 6.2
      Spirometer, Lung Volumes and Capacities
    • 41:27 6.3
      Lung Volumes and Capacities
    • 43:32 6.4
    • 44:43 6.5
      Functional Residual Capacity
    • 47:58 6.6
      Measurement of FRC
    • 49:11 7.
    • 49:20 7.1
      Ventilation (通氣量)
    • 51:34 7.2
      Dead Space (死腔)
    • 53:58 7.3
      Fowler’s Method:Single-Breath Nitrogen Washout
    • 59:11 7.4
      Bohr’s Method:Conservation of Mass
    • 1:03:50 7.5
      Dalton’s Law
    • 1:07:10 7.6
      Bohr’s Method (2)
    • 1:08:19 7.7
      Alveolar Ventilation
    • 1:11:15 7.8
      Alveolar Ventilation
    • 1:12:21 7.9
      Uneven Ventilation inUpright Position
    • 1:13:28 7.10
      Partial Pressures of Gases in Various Parts
    • 1:14:15 7.11
      O2 and CO2 Concentrations in Exhaled Gas
    • 1:16:03 7.12
      Overview of Po2 and Pco2
    • 1:19:10 7.13
    • 1:20:01 7.14
      Hyper-, Hypo-ventilation & Hyperpnea
    • 1:23:12 7.15
    • 1:24:06 7.16
      Why hyperpnea is more efficient?
    • 1:27:50 8.
      Outline: Perfusion (灌流量)
    • 1:27:56 8.1
    • 1:28:14 8.2
      Perfusion (灌流量)
    • 1:29:02 8.3
      Shunt (分流)
    • 1:31:54 8.4
      Uneven Perfusion in Upright Position
    • 1:32:49 9.
      Overview: ventilation/perfusion ratio
    • 1:33:03 9.1
      Matching of Ventilation & Perfusion
    • 1:34:38 9.2
      Mis-matching of Ventilation & Perfusion
    • 1:35:31 9.3
      V /Q 受什麼影響?
    • 1:35:43 9.4
      Matching of Ventilation & Perfusion
    • 1:37:56 9.5
      Distribution of V and Q Within the Lung in the Upright Position
    • 1:40:13 9.6
      V /Q 如何影響氣體的分壓?
    • 1:40:23 9.7
      V /Q v.s. Po2 & Pco2
    • 1:44:33 9.8
      V /Q Inequality of Normal Lung in the Upright Position
    • 1:50:01 10.
      Outline: Static/Dynamic respiratory mechanics (呼吸力學)
    • 1:50:10 11.
      General Concepts and Terminology
    • 1:55:01 11.1
      PL = Pal – Ppl(1)Pw = Ppl – Pbs(2)(1) + (2)Prs = PL + Pw = Pal – Pbsa) Pbs =0  Pw = Ppl = Pes Prs = Palb) Pao = VRaw + Pal When flow=0, Pao = Pal = Prsc) PL = Pal – Ppl = Pao|flow=0 – Pes
    • 2:00:40 11.2
      PL = Pal – Ppl(1)Pw = Ppl – Pbs(2)(1) + (2)Prs = PL + Pw = Pal – Pbsa) Pbs =0  Pw = Ppl = Pes Prs = Palb) Pao = VRaw + Pal When flow=0, Pao = Pal = Prsc) PL = Pal – Ppl = Pao|flow=0 – Pes
    • 2:01:42 12.
      Compliance (順應性)
    • 2:04:24 12.1
      [Video] 吸煙豬肺示範
    • 2:06:43 12.2
      Compliance Changes in Different Diseases
    • 2:08:16 13.
      Resistance (阻力)
    • 2:09:37 13.1
      The Airway Resistance
    • 2:11:14 13.2
      The Airway Resistance
    • 2:13:33 13.3
      The Airway Resistance
    • 2:16:08 13.4
      The Airway Resistance
    • 2:17:49 13.5
      Evaluation of Airway Resistance
    • 2:21:39 13.6
      Evaluation of Abnormality in Lung Vol.
    • 2:24:17 13.7
      Pursed Lip Breathing
    • 2:27:41 14.
    • 2:29:11 15.
      Pressure-volume (P-V) curve of the lungs
    • 2:29:14 15.1
      P-V Curve of the Lungs
    • 2:31:15 15.2
      Surface Tension
    • 2:33:01 15.3
      Law of LaPlace
    • 2:34:47 15.4
    • 2:35:05 15.5
      Importance of Lung Surfactant
    • 2:35:45 15.6
      Work of Breathing
    • 2:36:38 15.7
      Effects of Diseases on PV Curve
    • 2:38:14 16.
    • 2:39:22 16.1
      Effects of Diseases on PV Curve
    • 2:40:02 17.
      Lung-chest wall coupling
    • 2:40:15 17.1
      PL = Pal – Ppl(1)Pw = Ppl – Pbs(2)(1) + (2)Prs = PL + Pw = Pal – Pbsa) Pbs =0  Pw = Ppl = Pes Prs = Palb) Pao = VRaw + Pal When flow=0, Pao = Pal = Prsc) PL = Pal – Ppl = Pao|flow=0 – Pes
    • 2:41:22 17.2
      Pw = Ppl = Pes
    • 2:42:59 17.3
      FRC (functional residual capacity) is where the recoil forces of chest wall is equal but opposite to the recoil forces of the lungWhen lung vol. is below FRC, the chest wall becomes progressively stiffer (Cw decreases)When lung vol. is above FRC, Pw chan
    • 2:46:17 17.4
      Lung-Chest Wall Couplingin Static Status at Different Lung Volume
    • 2:47:01 17.5
      Lung-chest Wall Coupling to Determine FRC
    • 2:50:50 18.
      Transmural Pressure Across the Lung Wall in Dynamic Status
    • 2:51:40 18.1
      The Mechanics of Quiet Breathing
    • 2:55:53 19.
      Diffusion(擴散)and gas transport(氣體運輸)
    • 2:56:04 19.1
    • 2:56:18 19.2
      Diffusion and Gas Transport
    • 2:56:37 19.3
      Alveolo-Capillary Barrier
    • 2:57:10 19.4
    • 2:57:56 19.5
      Capillary Transit Time
    • 3:00:22 19.6
      Perfusion-limited Gas
    • 3:01:20 19.7
      Diffusion-limited Gas
    • 3:02:19 19.8
      Diffusion and Perfusion Limitations
    • 3:04:38 20.
      Transport of O2 and CO2
    • 3:04:43 20.1
      Blood Gas Measurement
    • 3:05:16 20.2
      Oxygen Transport
    • 3:06:06 20.3
      Blood Gas Measurement
    • 3:07:04 20.4
      O2 Bound to Hb
    • 3:07:27 21.
      What does pulse oximeter measure?O2 dissolved in the blood plasmaO2 bound with hemoglobin
    • 3:08:22 21.1
      O2 Bound to Hb
    • 3:10:25 21.2
      O2 Concentration & Saturation in Anemia
    • 3:11:13 21.3
      O2 Bound to Hb
    • 3:13:45 21.4
      O2 Bound to Hb
    • 3:15:58 22.
      CO2 Transport
    • 3:16:58 22.1
      CO2 Transport
    • 3:18:46 22.2
      CO2 Equilibrium Curve
    • 3:21:28 23.
      Neural control of respiration(呼吸的神經調控)
    • 3:21:36 23.1
      Control of Respiration
    • 3:22:22 23.2
      Overview_Neural control of respiration
    • 3:22:59 23.3
    • 3:24:13 23.4
    • 3:25:50 23.5
    • 3:26:53 23.6
      Central Controller in Brain Stem
    • 3:27:33 23.7
    • 3:28:17 23.8
      Central Controller
    • 3:28:52 23.9
      Central Controller
    • 3:29:55 23.10
    • 3:30:14 23.11
      Central Controller
    • 3:30:44 23.12
      Central Controller
    • 3:31:24 23.13
    • 3:31:59 24.
      Outline_Chemical control of respiration(呼吸的化學調控)
    • 3:32:06 24.1
      Overveiw_Chemical control of respiration
    • 3:32:13 24.2
    • 3:32:21 24.3
      Chemical Control of Resp.
    • 3:33:35 24.4
      Central Chemoreceptor
    • 3:34:47 24.5
      Peripheral Chemoreceptor
    • 3:35:34 25.
      Outline_Acid-base balance (酸鹼平衡)
    • 3:35:37 25.1
      Acid-base Balance
    • 3:37:04 25.2
      Effectiveness of a Buffer System
    • 3:38:04 25.3
    • 3:38:19 25.4
      The Effect of Bicarbonate on Blood pH
    • 3:39:23 25.5
      Davenport Diagram
    • 3:40:57 25.6
      Respiratory Disturbances
    • 3:41:34 25.7
      Metabolic Disturbances
    • 3:41:53 25.8
      Compensatory Responses
    • 3:43:52 26.
      How to Increase Resp. Function During Exercise?
    • 3:49:15 27.
    Respiratory Physiology (呼吸生理學)
    2021-10-23 15:52:23
    2021-10-23 20:15:09