• 00:00 1.
    Title page
  • 00:11 2.
  • 00:28 3.
  • 02:06 4.
    Background (背景)
  • 02:15 4.1
  • 04:00 4.2
  • 06:47 4.3
    除了氣體交換(吸氧排二氧化碳)外, 呼吸系統還有那些功能?
  • 09:08 5.
  • 11:31 6.
    Structure and function (結構與功能)
  • 11:40 6.1
    Structure of Respiratory Sys.
  • 12:33 6.2
    Function of Nasal Passage
  • 14:06 6.3
    Comparison of Airway Structure
  • 15:05 6.4
    Airways of a Human Lung
  • 15:58 6.5
    Main Airway Branches & Zones
  • 16:58 6.6
    Main Airway Branches & Zones
  • 17:32 6.7
  • 18:50 6.8
    The Human Lung
  • 19:50 6.9
    Blood Supply of Lungs
  • 21:14 6.10
    Respiratory Muscles
  • 23:34 6.11
    Respiratory Muscles
  • 26:06 6.12
  • 28:18 6.13
    Pleural layers
  • 29:39 6.14
    Cross Section of the Thoracic Cavity
  • 30:08 6.15
    Intrapleural Space
  • 31:57 6.16
  • 33:35 7.
    Ventilation (通氣量)
  • 33:40 7.1
    Instrument for Measuring Lung Vol.
  • 38:05 7.2
    Spirometer, Lung Volumes and Capacities
  • 41:27 7.3
    Lung Volumes and Capacities
  • 43:32 7.4
  • 44:43 7.5
    Functional Residual Capacity
  • 47:58 7.6
    Measurement of FRC
  • 49:11 7.7
    Measurement of FRC
  • 52:33 8.
  • 52:43 8.1
    Ventilation (通氣量)
  • 54:57 8.2
    Dead Space (死腔)
  • 57:21 8.3
    Fowler’s Method:Single-Breath Nitrogen Washout
  • 1:02:34 8.4
    Bohr’s Method:Conservation of Mass
  • 1:07:13 8.5
    Dalton’s Law
  • 1:10:33 8.6
    Bohr’s Method (2)
  • 1:11:42 8.7
    Alveolar Ventilation
  • 1:14:38 8.8
    Alveolar Ventilation
  • 1:15:44 8.9
    Uneven Ventilation inUpright Position
  • 1:16:51 8.10
    Cause of the Regional Differences of Ventilation
  • 1:20:09 8.11
    Closing Volume
  • 1:25:53 8.12
    Partial Pressures of Gases in Various Parts
  • 1:26:40 8.13
    O2 and CO2 Concentrations in Exhaled Gas
  • 1:28:28 8.14
    Overview of Po2 and Pco2
  • 1:31:35 8.15
  • 1:32:26 8.16
    Hyper-, Hypo-ventilation & Hyperpnea
  • 1:35:37 8.17
  • 1:36:31 8.18
    Why hyperpnea is more efficient?
  • 1:40:15 8.19
    How to measure PAO2?
  • 1:40:25 8.20
    Alveolar Gas Equation
  • 1:42:09 8.21
    Respiratory Quotient (呼吸商)
  • 1:44:55 8.22
    Alveolar Gas Equation
  • 1:46:17 8.23
    Reasons to Understand the Alveolar Gas Equation
  • 1:47:48 8.24
    Case Study
  • 1:50:01 9.
    Perfusion (灌流量) and ventilation/perfusion ratio
  • 1:50:08 9.1
    Overview: Perfusion
  • 1:50:26 9.2
    Perfusion (灌流量)
  • 1:51:14 9.3
    Shunt (分流)
  • 1:54:06 9.4
    Shunt Equation
  • 1:56:45 9.5
    Uneven Perfusion in Upright Position
  • 1:57:40 9.6
    Zone Model
  • 2:00:13 9.7
    Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction
  • 2:02:48 10.
    Overview: V/Q ratio
  • 2:03:02 10.1
    Matching of Ventilation & Perfusion
  • 2:04:37 10.2
    Mis-matching of Ventilation & Perfusion
  • 2:05:30 10.3
    V /Q 受什麼影響?
  • 2:05:42 10.4
    Matching of Ventilation & Perfusion
  • 2:07:55 10.5
    Distribution of V and Q Within the Lung in the Upright Position
  • 2:10:11 10.6
    Distribution of V /Q Ratio
  • 2:14:35 10.7
    V /Q 如何影響氣體的分壓?
  • 2:14:46 10.8
    Effects of V /Q Ratio on PAo2 & PAco2
  • 2:17:03 10.9
    Effects of V /Q Ratio on PAo2 & PAco2
  • 2:18:16 10.10
    V /Q v.s. Po2 & Pco2
  • 2:22:26 10.11
    V /Q Inequality of Normal Lung in the Upright Position
  • 2:27:54 10.12
    Riley’s Three Compartment Model
  • 2:33:45 10.13
    Gas Exchange Computer Lab
  • 2:34:07 11.
    Static/Dynamic respiratory mechanics (呼吸力學)
  • 2:34:15 11.1
    General Concepts and Terminology
  • 2:39:07 11.2
    PL = Pal – Ppl(1)Pw = Ppl – Pbs(2)(1) + (2)Prs = PL + Pw = Pal – Pbsa) Pbs =0  Pw = Ppl = Pes Prs = Palb) Pao = VRaw + Pal When flow=0, Pao = Pal = Prsc) PL = Pal – Ppl = Pao|flow=0 – Pes
  • 2:44:45 11.3
    PL = Pal – Ppl(1)Pw = Ppl – Pbs(2)(1) + (2)Prs = PL + Pw = Pal – Pbsa) Pbs =0  Pw = Ppl = Pes Prs = Palb) Pao = VRaw + Pal When flow=0, Pao = Pal = Prsc) PL = Pal – Ppl = Pao|flow=0 – Pes
  • 2:45:47 12.
  • 2:48:29 12.1
    Compliance Changes in Different Diseases
  • 2:50:02 12.2
    Calculation of Compliance of Lung
  • 2:52:55 13.
    Resistance (阻力)
  • 2:54:16 13.1
    The Airway Resistance
  • 2:55:53 13.2
    The Airway Resistance
  • 2:58:11 13.3
    The Airway Resistance
  • 3:00:47 13.4
    The Airway Resistance
  • 3:02:27 13.5
    Calculation of Dynamic Resistance
  • 3:04:09 13.6
    Evaluation of Airway Resistance
  • 3:07:59 13.7
    Evaluation of Abnormality in Lung Vol.
  • 3:10:37 13.8
    Flow-volume Curves
  • 3:12:12 13.9
    Isovolume Pressure-flow Curves
  • 3:13:39 13.10
    Flow-Volume Relationship
  • 3:14:51 13.11
    Dynamic Airway Compression
  • 3:22:45 13.12
    EPP is Influenced by Lung Elastic Recoil
  • 3:26:06 13.13
    Pursed Lip Breathing (噘嘴吐氣)
  • 3:27:58 13.14
    Abnormality in Lung Vol.
  • 3:29:05 13.15
    Interpretation of Flow-Vol Loop
  • 3:30:25 13.16
    Obstructive Lung Vol. Defect
  • 3:30:53 13.17
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (慢性阻塞性肺病; COPD)
  • 3:31:26 13.18
    Emphysema (肺氣腫)
  • 3:32:07 13.19
    Asthma (氣喘)
  • 3:33:31 13.20
  • 3:36:27 13.21
    Restrictive Lung Vol. Defect
  • 3:37:11 13.22
    Examples of Restrictive Lung Dz.
  • 3:38:10 13.23
  • 3:38:59 13.24
  • 3:40:27 14.
    Pressure-volume (P-V) curve of the lungs
  • 3:40:32 14.1
  • 3:43:45 14.2
    Surface Tension
  • 3:45:33 14.3
    Law of LaPlace
  • 3:47:21 14.4
  • 3:47:47 14.5
    Importance of Lung Surfactant
  • 3:48:56 14.6
    Work of Breathing
  • 3:49:55 14.7
    Effects of Diseases on PV Curve
  • 3:51:48 14.8
  • 3:52:19 14.9
    Effects of Diseases on PV Curve
  • 3:53:42 15.
    Lung-chest wall coupling
  • 3:53:51 15.1
    PL = Pal – Ppl(1)Pw = Ppl – Pbs(2)(1) + (2)Prs = PL + Pw = Pal – Pbsa) Pbs =0  Pw = Ppl = Pes Prs = Palb) Pao = VRaw + Pal When flow=0, Pao = Pal = Prsc) PL = Pal – Ppl = Pao|flow=0 – Pes
  • 3:54:44 15.2
    Elastic Recoil of the Chest Wall
  • 3:56:21 15.3
    Elastic Recoil of the Chest Wall
  • 3:59:44 15.4
    Lung-Chest Wall Couplingin Static Status at Different Lung Volume
  • 4:01:31 15.5
    Lung-chest Wall Coupling to Determine FRC
  • 4:05:40 15.6
    Static Elastic Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall
  • 4:07:40 15.7
    Static Elastic Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall
  • 4:09:22 15.8
    Transmural Pressure Across the Lung Wall in Dynamic Status
  • 4:11:19 15.9
    The Mechanics of Quiet Breathing
  • 4:16:40 15.10
    P-V Relationships and Schematic Events of Resp. Cycle
  • 4:22:10 15.11
    P-V Relationships and Schematic Events of Resp. Cycle
  • 4:23:49 16.
    Diffusion(擴散)and gas transport(氣體運輸)
  • 4:24:02 16.1
  • 4:24:26 16.2
    Diffusion and Gas Transport
  • 4:25:11 16.3
    Alveolo-Capillary Barrier
  • 4:25:45 16.4
  • 4:26:32 16.5
    Diffusion Capacity
  • 4:27:36 16.6
    Diffusion Capacity
  • 4:29:17 16.7
    Physiologic Changes That Alter Diffusion Capacity
  • 4:30:39 16.8
    Capillary Transit Time
  • 4:33:47 16.9
    Perfusion-limited Gas
  • 4:35:02 16.10
    Diffusion-limited Gas
  • 4:35:52 16.11
    Diffusion and Perfusion Limitations
  • 4:39:15 17.
    Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Test
  • 4:42:36 18.
    Transport of O2 and CO2
  • 4:42:55 18.1
    Oxygen Transport
  • 4:43:41 18.2
    Blood Gas Measurement
  • 4:44:13 18.3
    Blood Gas Measurement
  • 4:46:03 18.4
    O2 Bound to Hb
  • 4:46:30 18.5
    O2 Bound to Hb
  • 4:48:37 18.6
    What does pulse oximeter measure?O2 dissolved in the blood plasmaO2 bound with hemoglobin
  • 4:49:51 18.7
    O2 Concentration & Saturation in Anemia
  • 4:51:07 18.8
    Cooperative Interactions
  • 4:52:35 18.9
    O2 Bound to Hb
  • 4:54:49 18.10
    O2 Bound to Hb
  • 4:57:22 18.11
    Factors Affecting O2 Bound to Hb
  • 4:59:20 18.12
    CO2 Transport
  • 5:00:17 18.13
    CO2 Transport
  • 5:01:51 18.14
    CO2 Transport
  • 5:02:21 18.15
    CO2 Equilibrium Curve
  • 5:05:01 19.
    Assessment of Arterial Hypoxemia
  • 5:07:20 19.1
    Case study
  • 5:11:22 20.
    Neural control of respiration(呼吸的神經調控)
  • 5:11:29 20.1
    Control of Respiration
  • 5:12:15 20.2
  • 5:12:33 20.3
  • 5:13:30 20.4
  • 5:15:36 20.5
  • 5:16:59 20.6
    Central Controller in Brain Stem
  • 5:17:19 20.7
  • 5:17:45 20.8
    Central Controller
  • 5:18:26 20.9
    Central Controller
  • 5:19:54 20.10
    Respiratory Neurons in the Brain Stem
  • 5:23:31 20.11
  • 5:23:48 20.12
    Central Controller
  • 5:24:33 20.13
    Central Controller
  • 5:25:13 20.14
  • 5:25:54 21.
    Chemical control of respiration(呼吸的化學調控)
  • 5:26:00 21.1
  • 5:26:09 21.2
  • 5:26:23 21.3
    Chemical Control of Resp.
  • 5:27:27 21.4
    Central Chemoreceptor
  • 5:29:22 21.5
    Peripheral Chemoreceptor
  • 5:30:17 21.6
    Regulation of breathing in response to changes in blood PCO2, PO2, and pH (H+) via negative feedback control
  • 5:31:50 21.7
    Silent Hypoxia (Happy Hypoxia)
  • 5:33:00 21.8
    Video: respiration control
  • 5:34:05 22.
    Acid-base balance (酸鹼平衡)
  • 5:34:09 22.1
    Acid-base Balance
  • 5:35:10 22.2
    Effectiveness of a Buffer System
  • 5:36:29 22.3
  • 5:37:05 22.4
    The Effect of Bicarbonate on Blood pH
  • 5:38:25 22.5
    Davenport Diagram
  • 5:39:54 22.6
    Respiratory Disturbances
  • 5:40:38 22.7
    Metabolic Disturbances
  • 5:41:03 22.8
    Compensatory Responses
  • 5:42:53 22.9
    Compensatory Responses
  • 5:43:48 23.
    Examples: exercise and high altitude adaptation
  • 5:43:59 23.1
    Rest-to-Work Transitions
  • 5:44:42 23.2
    Sub-maximal Exercise
  • 5:44:58 23.3
    Ventilatory Control During Submaximal Exercise
  • 5:45:16 23.4
    High Intensity Exercise
  • 5:46:12 23.5
    High Intensity Exercise
  • 5:47:22 23.6
    Oxygen Debt
  • 5:48:26 23.7
  • 5:48:30 23.8
    Do the Lungs Limit Exercise Performance?
  • 5:48:46 23.9
    Effect of Training on Ventilation
  • 5:49:10 23.10
    How to Increase Resp. Function During Exercise?
  • 5:52:12 23.11
    How to Increase Resp. Function During Exercise?
  • 5:54:00 24.
    Effect of High Altitude on Resp. Function
  • 5:54:41 24.1
    Immediate: Increased in Ventilation
  • 5:57:37 24.2
    Days: Decreased Affinity of Hemoglobin for Oxygen
  • 5:58:53 24.3
    Days to weeks: Increased Hemoglobin Production
  • 6:00:14 24.4
    Respiratory Adaptations to High Altitude
  • 6:00:48 25.
  • 索引
  • 筆記
  • 討論
  • 全螢幕
呼吸生理學 2021
長度: 6:01:45, 瀏覽: 2162, 最近修訂: 2021-11-17
    • 00:00 1.
      Title page
    • 00:11 2.
    • 00:28 3.
    • 02:06 4.
      Background (背景)
    • 02:15 4.1
    • 04:00 4.2
    • 06:47 4.3
      除了氣體交換(吸氧排二氧化碳)外, 呼吸系統還有那些功能?
    • 09:08 5.
    • 11:31 6.
      Structure and function (結構與功能)
    • 11:40 6.1
      Structure of Respiratory Sys.
    • 12:33 6.2
      Function of Nasal Passage
    • 14:06 6.3
      Comparison of Airway Structure
    • 15:05 6.4
      Airways of a Human Lung
    • 15:58 6.5
      Main Airway Branches & Zones
    • 16:58 6.6
      Main Airway Branches & Zones
    • 17:32 6.7
    • 18:50 6.8
      The Human Lung
    • 19:50 6.9
      Blood Supply of Lungs
    • 21:14 6.10
      Respiratory Muscles
    • 23:34 6.11
      Respiratory Muscles
    • 26:06 6.12
    • 28:18 6.13
      Pleural layers
    • 29:39 6.14
      Cross Section of the Thoracic Cavity
    • 30:08 6.15
      Intrapleural Space
    • 31:57 6.16
    • 33:35 7.
      Ventilation (通氣量)
    • 33:40 7.1
      Instrument for Measuring Lung Vol.
    • 38:05 7.2
      Spirometer, Lung Volumes and Capacities
    • 41:27 7.3
      Lung Volumes and Capacities
    • 43:32 7.4
    • 44:43 7.5
      Functional Residual Capacity
    • 47:58 7.6
      Measurement of FRC
    • 49:11 7.7
      Measurement of FRC
    • 52:33 8.
    • 52:43 8.1
      Ventilation (通氣量)
    • 54:57 8.2
      Dead Space (死腔)
    • 57:21 8.3
      Fowler’s Method:Single-Breath Nitrogen Washout
    • 1:02:34 8.4
      Bohr’s Method:Conservation of Mass
    • 1:07:13 8.5
      Dalton’s Law
    • 1:10:33 8.6
      Bohr’s Method (2)
    • 1:11:42 8.7
      Alveolar Ventilation
    • 1:14:38 8.8
      Alveolar Ventilation
    • 1:15:44 8.9
      Uneven Ventilation inUpright Position
    • 1:16:51 8.10
      Cause of the Regional Differences of Ventilation
    • 1:20:09 8.11
      Closing Volume
    • 1:25:53 8.12
      Partial Pressures of Gases in Various Parts
    • 1:26:40 8.13
      O2 and CO2 Concentrations in Exhaled Gas
    • 1:28:28 8.14
      Overview of Po2 and Pco2
    • 1:31:35 8.15
    • 1:32:26 8.16
      Hyper-, Hypo-ventilation & Hyperpnea
    • 1:35:37 8.17
    • 1:36:31 8.18
      Why hyperpnea is more efficient?
    • 1:40:15 8.19
      How to measure PAO2?
    • 1:40:25 8.20
      Alveolar Gas Equation
    • 1:42:09 8.21
      Respiratory Quotient (呼吸商)
    • 1:44:55 8.22
      Alveolar Gas Equation
    • 1:46:17 8.23
      Reasons to Understand the Alveolar Gas Equation
    • 1:47:48 8.24
      Case Study
    • 1:50:01 9.
      Perfusion (灌流量) and ventilation/perfusion ratio
    • 1:50:08 9.1
      Overview: Perfusion
    • 1:50:26 9.2
      Perfusion (灌流量)
    • 1:51:14 9.3
      Shunt (分流)
    • 1:54:06 9.4
      Shunt Equation
    • 1:56:45 9.5
      Uneven Perfusion in Upright Position
    • 1:57:40 9.6
      Zone Model
    • 2:00:13 9.7
      Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction
    • 2:02:48 10.
      Overview: V/Q ratio
    • 2:03:02 10.1
      Matching of Ventilation & Perfusion
    • 2:04:37 10.2
      Mis-matching of Ventilation & Perfusion
    • 2:05:30 10.3
      V /Q 受什麼影響?
    • 2:05:42 10.4
      Matching of Ventilation & Perfusion
    • 2:07:55 10.5
      Distribution of V and Q Within the Lung in the Upright Position
    • 2:10:11 10.6
      Distribution of V /Q Ratio
    • 2:14:35 10.7
      V /Q 如何影響氣體的分壓?
    • 2:14:46 10.8
      Effects of V /Q Ratio on PAo2 & PAco2
    • 2:17:03 10.9
      Effects of V /Q Ratio on PAo2 & PAco2
    • 2:18:16 10.10
      V /Q v.s. Po2 & Pco2
    • 2:22:26 10.11
      V /Q Inequality of Normal Lung in the Upright Position
    • 2:27:54 10.12
      Riley’s Three Compartment Model
    • 2:33:45 10.13
      Gas Exchange Computer Lab
    • 2:34:07 11.
      Static/Dynamic respiratory mechanics (呼吸力學)
    • 2:34:15 11.1
      General Concepts and Terminology
    • 2:39:07 11.2
      PL = Pal – Ppl(1)Pw = Ppl – Pbs(2)(1) + (2)Prs = PL + Pw = Pal – Pbsa) Pbs =0  Pw = Ppl = Pes Prs = Palb) Pao = VRaw + Pal When flow=0, Pao = Pal = Prsc) PL = Pal – Ppl = Pao|flow=0 – Pes
    • 2:44:45 11.3
      PL = Pal – Ppl(1)Pw = Ppl – Pbs(2)(1) + (2)Prs = PL + Pw = Pal – Pbsa) Pbs =0  Pw = Ppl = Pes Prs = Palb) Pao = VRaw + Pal When flow=0, Pao = Pal = Prsc) PL = Pal – Ppl = Pao|flow=0 – Pes
    • 2:45:47 12.
    • 2:48:29 12.1
      Compliance Changes in Different Diseases
    • 2:50:02 12.2
      Calculation of Compliance of Lung
    • 2:52:55 13.
      Resistance (阻力)
    • 2:54:16 13.1
      The Airway Resistance
    • 2:55:53 13.2
      The Airway Resistance
    • 2:58:11 13.3
      The Airway Resistance
    • 3:00:47 13.4
      The Airway Resistance
    • 3:02:27 13.5
      Calculation of Dynamic Resistance
    • 3:04:09 13.6
      Evaluation of Airway Resistance
    • 3:07:59 13.7
      Evaluation of Abnormality in Lung Vol.
    • 3:10:37 13.8
      Flow-volume Curves
    • 3:12:12 13.9
      Isovolume Pressure-flow Curves
    • 3:13:39 13.10
      Flow-Volume Relationship
    • 3:14:51 13.11
      Dynamic Airway Compression
    • 3:22:45 13.12
      EPP is Influenced by Lung Elastic Recoil
    • 3:26:06 13.13
      Pursed Lip Breathing (噘嘴吐氣)
    • 3:27:58 13.14
      Abnormality in Lung Vol.
    • 3:29:05 13.15
      Interpretation of Flow-Vol Loop
    • 3:30:25 13.16
      Obstructive Lung Vol. Defect
    • 3:30:53 13.17
      Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (慢性阻塞性肺病; COPD)
    • 3:31:26 13.18
      Emphysema (肺氣腫)
    • 3:32:07 13.19
      Asthma (氣喘)
    • 3:33:31 13.20
    • 3:36:27 13.21
      Restrictive Lung Vol. Defect
    • 3:37:11 13.22
      Examples of Restrictive Lung Dz.
    • 3:38:10 13.23
    • 3:38:59 13.24
    • 3:40:27 14.
      Pressure-volume (P-V) curve of the lungs
    • 3:40:32 14.1
    • 3:43:45 14.2
      Surface Tension
    • 3:45:33 14.3
      Law of LaPlace
    • 3:47:21 14.4
    • 3:47:47 14.5
      Importance of Lung Surfactant
    • 3:48:56 14.6
      Work of Breathing
    • 3:49:55 14.7
      Effects of Diseases on PV Curve
    • 3:51:48 14.8
    • 3:52:19 14.9
      Effects of Diseases on PV Curve
    • 3:53:42 15.
      Lung-chest wall coupling
    • 3:53:51 15.1
      PL = Pal – Ppl(1)Pw = Ppl – Pbs(2)(1) + (2)Prs = PL + Pw = Pal – Pbsa) Pbs =0  Pw = Ppl = Pes Prs = Palb) Pao = VRaw + Pal When flow=0, Pao = Pal = Prsc) PL = Pal – Ppl = Pao|flow=0 – Pes
    • 3:54:44 15.2
      Elastic Recoil of the Chest Wall
    • 3:56:21 15.3
      Elastic Recoil of the Chest Wall
    • 3:59:44 15.4
      Lung-Chest Wall Couplingin Static Status at Different Lung Volume
    • 4:01:31 15.5
      Lung-chest Wall Coupling to Determine FRC
    • 4:05:40 15.6
      Static Elastic Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall
    • 4:07:40 15.7
      Static Elastic Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall
    • 4:09:22 15.8
      Transmural Pressure Across the Lung Wall in Dynamic Status
    • 4:11:19 15.9
      The Mechanics of Quiet Breathing
    • 4:16:40 15.10
      P-V Relationships and Schematic Events of Resp. Cycle
    • 4:22:10 15.11
      P-V Relationships and Schematic Events of Resp. Cycle
    • 4:23:49 16.
      Diffusion(擴散)and gas transport(氣體運輸)
    • 4:24:02 16.1
    • 4:24:26 16.2
      Diffusion and Gas Transport
    • 4:25:11 16.3
      Alveolo-Capillary Barrier
    • 4:25:45 16.4
    • 4:26:32 16.5
      Diffusion Capacity
    • 4:27:36 16.6
      Diffusion Capacity
    • 4:29:17 16.7
      Physiologic Changes That Alter Diffusion Capacity
    • 4:30:39 16.8
      Capillary Transit Time
    • 4:33:47 16.9
      Perfusion-limited Gas
    • 4:35:02 16.10
      Diffusion-limited Gas
    • 4:35:52 16.11
      Diffusion and Perfusion Limitations
    • 4:39:15 17.
      Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Test
    • 4:42:36 18.
      Transport of O2 and CO2
    • 4:42:55 18.1
      Oxygen Transport
    • 4:43:41 18.2
      Blood Gas Measurement
    • 4:44:13 18.3
      Blood Gas Measurement
    • 4:46:03 18.4
      O2 Bound to Hb
    • 4:46:30 18.5
      O2 Bound to Hb
    • 4:48:37 18.6
      What does pulse oximeter measure?O2 dissolved in the blood plasmaO2 bound with hemoglobin
    • 4:49:51 18.7
      O2 Concentration & Saturation in Anemia
    • 4:51:07 18.8
      Cooperative Interactions
    • 4:52:35 18.9
      O2 Bound to Hb
    • 4:54:49 18.10
      O2 Bound to Hb
    • 4:57:22 18.11
      Factors Affecting O2 Bound to Hb
    • 4:59:20 18.12
      CO2 Transport
    • 5:00:17 18.13
      CO2 Transport
    • 5:01:51 18.14
      CO2 Transport
    • 5:02:21 18.15
      CO2 Equilibrium Curve
    • 5:05:01 19.
      Assessment of Arterial Hypoxemia
    • 5:07:20 19.1
      Case study
    • 5:11:22 20.
      Neural control of respiration(呼吸的神經調控)
    • 5:11:29 20.1
      Control of Respiration
    • 5:12:15 20.2
    • 5:12:33 20.3
    • 5:13:30 20.4
    • 5:15:36 20.5
    • 5:16:59 20.6
      Central Controller in Brain Stem
    • 5:17:19 20.7
    • 5:17:45 20.8
      Central Controller
    • 5:18:26 20.9
      Central Controller
    • 5:19:54 20.10
      Respiratory Neurons in the Brain Stem
    • 5:23:31 20.11
    • 5:23:48 20.12
      Central Controller
    • 5:24:33 20.13
      Central Controller
    • 5:25:13 20.14
    • 5:25:54 21.
      Chemical control of respiration(呼吸的化學調控)
    • 5:26:00 21.1
    • 5:26:09 21.2
    • 5:26:23 21.3
      Chemical Control of Resp.
    • 5:27:27 21.4
      Central Chemoreceptor
    • 5:29:22 21.5
      Peripheral Chemoreceptor
    • 5:30:17 21.6
      Regulation of breathing in response to changes in blood PCO2, PO2, and pH (H+) via negative feedback control
    • 5:31:50 21.7
      Silent Hypoxia (Happy Hypoxia)
    • 5:33:00 21.8
      Video: respiration control
    • 5:34:05 22.
      Acid-base balance (酸鹼平衡)
    • 5:34:09 22.1
      Acid-base Balance
    • 5:35:10 22.2
      Effectiveness of a Buffer System
    • 5:36:29 22.3
    • 5:37:05 22.4
      The Effect of Bicarbonate on Blood pH
    • 5:38:25 22.5
      Davenport Diagram
    • 5:39:54 22.6
      Respiratory Disturbances
    • 5:40:38 22.7
      Metabolic Disturbances
    • 5:41:03 22.8
      Compensatory Responses
    • 5:42:53 22.9
      Compensatory Responses
    • 5:43:48 23.
      Examples: exercise and high altitude adaptation
    • 5:43:59 23.1
      Rest-to-Work Transitions
    • 5:44:42 23.2
      Sub-maximal Exercise
    • 5:44:58 23.3
      Ventilatory Control During Submaximal Exercise
    • 5:45:16 23.4
      High Intensity Exercise
    • 5:46:12 23.5
      High Intensity Exercise
    • 5:47:22 23.6
      Oxygen Debt
    • 5:48:26 23.7
    • 5:48:30 23.8
      Do the Lungs Limit Exercise Performance?
    • 5:48:46 23.9
      Effect of Training on Ventilation
    • 5:49:10 23.10
      How to Increase Resp. Function During Exercise?
    • 5:52:12 23.11
      How to Increase Resp. Function During Exercise?
    • 5:54:00 24.
      Effect of High Altitude on Resp. Function
    • 5:54:41 24.1
      Immediate: Increased in Ventilation
    • 5:57:37 24.2
      Days: Decreased Affinity of Hemoglobin for Oxygen
    • 5:58:53 24.3
      Days to weeks: Increased Hemoglobin Production
    • 6:00:14 24.4
      Respiratory Adaptations to High Altitude
    • 6:00:48 25.
    Respiratory Physiology (呼吸生理學)
    2021-10-27 09:01:25
    2021-11-17 08:20:35